Flower meadows are a colorful and useful alternative to a lawn

Choose flower meadows and sow flowers that have great power with us! It saves health, time and money, as well as real benefits for the environment, which we understand by counteracting the effects of climate change or supporting endangered pollinators. Choose a professional mix of annual or perennial seeds tailored to your needs and conditions, or use our free consultation.

A flower meadow is an inconspicuous but extremely endearing alternative to a lawn, the creator of which you can become in a few moments. Just do shopping in our store. We have prepared a whole lot of annual or perennial mixtures. These are carefully selected seeds that will then turn into a blooming carpet full of colors and the sound of happy bees.

Flower meadow – perennial or annual – is a great idea to change green areas into something more! This choice may be dictated not only by the desire to create a colorful alternative to the lawn, but also to prepare an asylum for insects or a place where pollinators can work on the production of honey. There are more solutions – to get to know them all, just reach for our unique seeds!

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We sow in early spring!

The beginning of the year is the time to sow naturally valuable meadows from native species of perennial plants. Such permanent flower meadows successfully replace the traditional lawn in unattended parts of the garden. They are drought-resistant and their care is usually limited to only two mows a year.

Mixtures for early spring sowing

Want a meadow but don’t know what to choose?

The choice of a seed mixture for flower meadows is not obvious. We will use a different mixture when the meadow is to bloom spectacularly with all its colors, another when the effect is to be more naturalistic, and another mixture will be suitable for creating honey bees in agricultural areas.

Check which mixture will be perfect for your needs and conditions:


Wild flower species

Create your own original seed mixture for a flower meadow! It is possible thanks to the rich offer of single species of wild flowers naturally occurring in our climate zone. You can also use native herbaceous plants to sow and enrich existing flower meadows.

All plant species

Our values


We produce ourselves or we obtain them from reliable suppliers who offer seed of the highest quality.


For many years we have been helping to establish and restore flower meadows.


We help nature by sowing flowers, we protect pollinators and other small animals.


We provide professional and thoughtful seed mixtures, the compositions of which are consulted with scientists.


We offer free consultancy and comprehensive after-purchase care. We want meadows to grow as well as possible.


Check out the offer complementing the seed purchases. You will find gadgets from  wild flower motif, perfect for  gift seeds in  decorative packaging, accessories helpful in  sowing, insect houses or books by Fr.  meadow and  pollinators.

All accessories


For long autumn and winter evenings, we recommend reading about wild flowers and small inhabitants of flower meadows. These books are not only beautiful literature, but above all a solid dose of knowledge about the world around us, the existence of which we are often unaware of.

Bee2Bee cooperation

Do you design or do greenery? Or maybe you manage green areas in public space or in investment areas? Join us and sow beautiful and useful flower meadows!

For professionals, we have a special price offer when buying our seed mixtures, comprehensive support in creating assumptions and at every stage of implementation. Our partners have the opportunity to participate in online and classroom training .

We share our knowledge and experience to make a meadow map of Poland?? has had thousands of successful projects.

Become our partner

Mixtures of native species | 100% wild flowers ??

These are the most valuable natural compositions, they are a natural habitat for native fauna. Native mixtures create seeds of species characteristic of our region, well adapted to local conditions. They require patience, but allow you to create a unique effect of a natural flower meadow, beautiful with the richness of plants and animals that benefit from the benefits of our Polish wild flowers.

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