A mixture of annual species for honeybees and wild pollinators. Plants that produce more nectar and pollen, which is the most important food for pollinators. The meadow provides a varied food base for a wide range of pollinating insects. The meadow provides a diverse food base for a wide range of pollinating insects.
18,00 zł – 78,00 zł
Zamówienia wysyłamy w 24h by każdy zakup dotarł do 3 dni roboczych.
Gwarantujemy bezpieczny, wygodny i szybki sposób dokonywania płatności.
Oferujemy bezpłatne doradztwo i kompleksową opiekę pozakupową.
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A mixture of popular flowering plants characterized by a large supply of nectar and pollen, enriched with honey-bearing ornamental species. Appropriate species selection provides a food base for various species of pollinating insects. The meadow is annual, which means that the intense flowering effect will only be visible in the year of sowing. The mixture is intended for spring and summer sowing in sunny places, on average and humus soils with moderate humidity and periodically dry.
100 g of seeds is enough to establish 40 m² of flower meadow.
For the best effect, the seeds should be sown on the ground that has been cleared of the existing vegetation and its plant debris – rhizomes or roots. If undesirable plants appear after sowing the seeds, they can only be removed by weeding the meadow. Before sowing, the area should be flattened so that the seeds will not be washed away during rain or watering.
We sow the Flower paradise for insects seed mixture from April to July in sunny places, on average and humus soils with moderate humidity and periodically dry. Before sowing, the seeds must be mixed – it is important that the mixture is sown evenly over the entire surface. If the area is larger, we divide it into smaller fragments and portion the mixture of seeds proportionally to their number. Adding the mixture of seeds to the carrier, e.g. vermiculite or sand in a proportion of min. 1 l. filler per 100 g of seed mixture, will increase the volume of the seed and facilitate even sowing and control of the sowing area.
We sow the seeds on top of the soil – do not cover them with soil, because many species germinate in the sun and without light will not start vegetation. If the area is larger, we divide it into smaller fragments and portion the mixture of seeds proportionally to their number. A meadow that is too densely sown, where too many plants grow and compete with each other for access to light and water during the intensive growth phase, may lose their aesthetics.
After sowing, the area should be rolled or trampled to ensure good contact with the ground for the seeds. Finally, we water the future meadow. If this is not possible, sowing seeds should preferably be planned in the time before the rain. It is important that the delicate roots of young plants have good conditions to penetrate the moist soil. It is important for the proper development of plants to maintain a moderate substrate humidity in the intensive growth period, especially on permeable soils.
If the conditions for growth are proper – temperatures are constantly positive and there is no drought – plants should start to sprout within a few days after sowing. If undesirable plants appear during the meadow growth, it is worth to weed them out for the best effect. Flowers should appear within 1-2 months after sowing. Water shortages and cold weather delay vegetation and cause the plants to flower shorter, striving for quick seed delivery. When the meadow has faded and the seeds will be riped, and fall into the soil, the plants can be mowed. We leave the hay for a few days so that the remaining seeds end up in the soil and insects and other small animals can leave them, then the hay has to be taken. If the meadow is mowed the following year, it will provide shelter for wintering insects and food for birds in winter. If the plants have faded by the end of July, the annual flower meadow can be sown again to bloom until the first frost.
The ornamental annual meadow should be recreated in the next season, i.e. the area should be re-digged and new seeds sown. You can collect the seeds from faded flowers or choose a new seeds mixture. After sowing, all procedure from the first year of the flower meadow should be repeated.
Cornflower Centaurea cyanus |
Ove-in-a-mist mix Nigella damascena |
Black caraway Nigella sativa |
Glandular Cape marigold
Dimorphotheca sinuata |
Lacy phacelia Phacelia tanacetifolia |
Annual baby’s-breath Gypsophila elegans |
Common buckwheat Fagopyrum esculentum |
Chinese parsley Corinadrum sativum |
Trifolium incarnatum Trifolium incarnatum |
Reversed clover Trifolium resupinatum |
Anethum graveolens |
Sulfur cosmos Cosmos sulphureus |
Cowherb mix Saponaria vaccaria |
Flowering flax mix Linum grandiflorum |
Moroccan toadflax
Linaria maroccana |
Narrowleaf lupin Lupinus angustifolius |
California poppy mix Eschscholzia californica |
Common poppy Papaver rhoeas |
Garden tickseed Coreopsis tinctoria |
Starflower Borago officinalis |
Moldavian dragonhead Dracocephalum moldavica |
Eruca sativa |
Serradella Ornithopus sativus |
Common sunflower Helianthus annuus |
Sweet alyssum mix Lobularia maritima |
Annual everlasting
Xeranthemum annuum |
Common mallow Malva silvestris var. mauritiana |
Hairy vetch Vicia villosa |
Purple viper’s-bugloss
Echium plantagineum |