The richest composition of native and foreign plant seeds with different soil and climatic requirements. The mixture will provide a quick effect of a colorful flower meadow for many years. It will work well as a mixture for people starting their adventure with flower meadows.
19,00 zł – 129,00 zł
Zamówienia wysyłamy w 24h by każdy zakup dotarł do 3 dni roboczych.
Gwarantujemy bezpieczny, wygodny i szybki sposób dokonywania płatności.
Oferujemy bezpłatne doradztwo i kompleksową opiekę pozakupową.
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Flowers and herbs are a universal mixture of over 100 species of flowering plants with different soil and climatic requirements. A flower meadow will bloom just a few weeks after sowing with many colors of native and ornamental annual flowers, and in the next season with native perennial species. The mixture is intended for spring and summer sowing in sunny and semi-shaded places, on all types of soil with moderate moisture and periodically dry.
100 g of seed mixture is enough to establish 40 m² of flower meadow.
For the best effect, the seeds should be sown on the ground that has been cleared of the existing vegetation and its plant debris – rhizomes or roots. If undesirable plants appear after sowing the seeds, they can only be removed by weeding the meadow. Before sowing, the area should be flattened so that the seeds will not be washed away during rain or watering.
We do not recommend lawn seeding as this method gives no control over the effect.
We sow the meadow of flowers and herbs from April to July in sunny and semi-shaded places, on all types of soil with moderate humidity and periodically dry.
Before sowing, the seeds must be mixed – it is important that the mixture is sown evenly over the entire surface. If the area is larger, we divide it into smaller fragments and portion the mixture of seeds proportionally to their number. Adding the mixture of seeds to the carrier, e.g. vermiculite or sand in a proportion of min. 1 l. filler per 100 g of seed mixture, will increase the volume of the seed and facilitate even sowing and control of the sowing area.
We sow the seeds on top of the soil – do not cover them with soil, because many species germinate in the sun and without light will not start vegetation. If the area is larger, we divide it into smaller fragments and portion the mixture of seeds proportionally to their number. A meadow that is too densely sown, where too many plants grow and compete with each other for access to light and water during the intensive growth phase, may lose their aesthetics.
The area should be rolled or trampled to ensure good contact with the ground for the seeds. Finally, we water the future meadow. If this is not possible, sowing seeds should preferably be planned in the time before the rain. It is important that the delicate roots of young plants have good conditions to penetrate the moist soil. It is important for the proper development of plants to maintain a moderate substrate humidity in the intensive growth period, especially on permeable soils.
If the conditions for growth are proper – temperatures are constantly positive and there is no drought – plants should start to sprout within a few days after sowing. The mixture includes annual species that will bloom within 1-2 months after sowing, and perennial plants that have only green leaves in the first year, and their flowering begins in the second season. Water shortages and colds delay vegetation and flowering. They also make plants flower shorter, striving for quick seed delivery. If undesirable plants appear in the meadow in the first year, it can be weeded to save annual flowers, or mowed, which will strengthen perennial species. When the meadow is blooming, it must be mowed to make room for perennial species that develop below, which need light to grow. Hay can be left for a few days so that the seeds fall off to the soil and insects can leave it, then the hay has to be taken so as not to limit the growth of perennial plants.
The meadow will be dominated by native perennial species that will gradually take over the entire area. We mow the perennial meadow twice a season. Mowing should be performed high (approx. 5-10 cm above the ground) and without chopping the swath, e.g. with a traditional or mechanical scythe, and with a bar mower for larger areas. After mowing the hay, we leave the hay in the meadow for a few days, so that the seeds end up in the soil and the inhabitants leave the stalks. After this time, the hay should be removed so as not to fertilize the soil, which would promote the growth of nitrogen-loving grasses. The first mowing should be done after the flowers will wither and the seeds fall off (June / July). The second mowing is to be performed in the fall (then the area will resemble a lawn in winter) or in early spring (in winter, the stalks will be a shelter for insects and a canteen for birds, as well as insulation for young seedlings that started to grow before the end of the season).
If the intensely colored annuals are to reappear in the following years, any annual mix can be sown into the turf clearances in spring. For such sowing, the recommended sowing rate should be reduced by half to 1 g / m². It is important that the seeds hit the exposed soil, and if the turf is dense, you can dig the area punctually and sow new seeds in the prepared places. Mole mounds can also be successfully used for sowing.
Aster alpejski Aster alpinus |
Aster chiński karłowy mix Callistephus chinensis |
Babka lancetowata Plantago lanceolata |
Chaber driakiewnik Centaurea scabiosa |
Chaber łąkowy Centaurea jacea |
Cieciorka pstra Coronilla varia |
Cynia meksykańska mix Zinnia haageana |
Cynia wytworna extra karłowa Liliputek mix Zinnia elegans |
Czarnuszka damasceńska mix Nigella damascena |
Czarnuszka siewna
Nigella sativa |
Czosnek szczypiorek Allium schoenoprasum |
Dalia zmienna karłowa mix Dahlia variabilis |
Dimorfoteka zatokowa mix Dimorphotheca sinuata |
Dziurawiec zwyczajny Hypericum perforatum |
Esparceta siewna Onobrychis viciifolia |
Facelia dzwonkowata Phacelia campanularia |
Firletka chalcedońska mix
Lychnis chalcedonica |
Firletka poszarpana Lychnis flos-cuculi |
Gailardia oścista mix Gaillardia aristata |
Gilia trójbarwna Gilia tricolor |
Gipsówka wytworna
Gypsophila elegans |
Goździk brodaty mix Dianthus barbatus |
Goździk kartuzek Dianthus carthusianorum |
Goździk kropkowany mix Dianthus deltoides |
Gwiezdny pył Leptosifon mix
Leptosiphon hybrida |
Hyzop lekarski mix Hyssopus officinalis |
Jaskier ostry Ranunculus acris |
Jeżówka purpurowa mix Echinacea purpurea |
Klarkia wytworna mix Clarkia elegans |
Kminek zwyczajny Carum carvi |
Komonica zwyczajna Lotus corniculatus |
Koniczyna czerwona
Trifolium pratense |
Koniczyna krwistoczerwona Trifolium incarnatum |
Koper ogrodowy Anethum graveolens |
Kosmidium brązowo-żółte Cosmidium burridgeanum |
Kosmos podwójnie pierzasty
Cosmos bipinnatus |
Krwiściąg mniejszy Sanguisorba minor |
Krwawnik pospolity mix Achillea millefolium |
Krwawnica pospolita Lythrum salicaria |
Kosmos siarkowy Cosmos sulphureus |
Krowiziół zbożowy mix Saponaria vaccaria |
Lawenda wąskolistna Lavendula angustifolia |
Len trwały Linum perenne |
Len wielokwiatowy mix Linum grandiflorum |
Len zwyczajny Linum usitatissimum |
Lepnica baldaszkowa Silene armeria |
Lepnica rozdęta Silene vulgaris |
Lnica marokańska mix Linaria maroccana |
Mikołajek płaskolistny Eryngium planum |
Maciejka dwuroga Matthiola bicornis |
Macierzanka tymianek Thymus vulgaris |
Macierzanka zwyczajna Thymus pulegioides |
Maczek kalifornijski mix Eschscholzia californica |
Mak polny Papaver rhoeas |
Malcolmia mix Malcomia maritima |
Marchew zwyczajna Daucus carota |
Mydlnica lekarska Saponaria officinalis |
Miłek letni Adonis aestivalis |
Ostróżeczka polna Consolida regalis |
Nachyłek dwubarwny Coreopsis tinctoria |
Nachyłek lancetowaty Coreopsis lanceolata |
Nagietek lekarski Calendula officinalis |
Nolana błękitna Nolana paradoxa |
Pszczelnik mołdawski Dracocephalum moldavica |
Porcelanka mix Nemophila maculata |
Portulaka wielkokwiatowa Portulaca grandiflora |
Przelot pospolity Anthyllis vulneraria |
Przypołudnik mix Dorotheanthus bellidiformis |
Przytulia pospolita Galium mollugo |
Przytulia właściwa Galium verum |
Rezeda żółtawa Reseda luteola |
Rumian barwierski Anthemis tinctoria |
Rumian polny Anthemis arvensis |
Rumianek pospolity Matricaria recutita |
Rzepik pospolity Agrimonia eupatoria |
Ślazówka letnia Lavatera trimestris |
Smagliczka nadmorska mix Lobularia maritima |
Suchokwiat roczny Xeranthemum annuum |
Szałwia łąkowa Salvia pratensis |
Szałwia okręgowa Salvia verticillata |
Szałwia omszona Salvia nemorosa |
Szczeć pospolita Dipsacus fullonum |
Ślaz dziki Malva sylvestris |
Ślaz maurytański Malva silvestris var. mauritiana |
Ślaz piżmowy Malva moschata |
Świerzbnica polna Knautia arvensis |
Titonia okrągłolistna Tithonia rotundifolia |
Ubiorek okółkowy mix Iberis umbellata |
Wieczornik damski mix Hesperis matronalis |
Wiesiołek dwuletni Oenothera biennis |
Wyka kosmata Vicia villosa |
Złocień polny Glebionis segetum |
Złocień właściwy Leucanthemum vulgare |
Żeniszek meksykański karłowy mix Ageratum houstanianum |
Żmijowiec babkowaty mix Echium plantagineum |
Żmijowiec zwyczajny Echium vulgare |