Seed mixture for humid areas

The mixture of native species perennial flowers and grasses for wetlands. Seeds to be sown in well-drained, fertile and humid soils and areas near water courses and reservoirs.

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Product information

The mixture is made of 22 native species of perennial flowers and 9 species of grass that do well in wetlands and in humid places. With the help of this mixture, it is possible to get fowered well-drained, fertile and humid soil and areas near water courses and reservoirs.
The mixture can be enriched with the addition of 10% field flowers if the flowering effect is required in the first year.

70% flowers, 30% grass
Medium height plants
meadow on  many years
sunny / shaded
average / carious
wet places
Sowing date:
spring / autumn
Sowing rate:
2-3 g / m²

Seeding instruction

Site preparation

For best results, the seeds should be sown on  earth cleaned from  the existing vegetation and  its remains – rhizomes or roots. Before sowing, the area should be leveled so that the seeds are not washed away  rain or watering. Sowing in  the lawn is a method that offers no guarantee of success. If in  there are clearances on the turf, and  the plants will have enough space for it  growth, flowers may appear in some places, but the effectiveness of this method is often low.


Avoid sowing in the period of excessive soil moisture and in periods when flooding of the sown areas is possible. Species in the mixture can be washed away or rot when it is too wet, and only adult plants can survive periodic inundation.

Before sowing, the seeds must be mixed – it is important that the mixture is sown evenly over the entire surface. If the area is larger, we divide it into smaller fragments and portion the mixture of seeds proportionally to their number. Adding the mixture of seeds to the carrier, e.g. vermiculite or sand in a proportion of min. 1 l. filler per 100 g of seed mixture, will increase the volume of the seed and facilitate even sowing and control of the sowing area.

We sow seeds on the surface – do not cover them with soil, because many species germinate in the sun and without light will not start vegetation. If the area is larger, we divide it into smaller fragments and portion the mixture of seeds proportionally to their number. A meadow that is too densely sown, where too many plants grow and compete with each other for access to light and water during the intensive growth phase, may lose their aesthetics.

After  sowing

After When sowing, the area should be rolled or trampled to ensure good contact with the seeds ground. On  the end of the future we water the meadow. If this is not possible, then sowing seeds in  if possible, it is worth planning in  the time before the rain. It is important that the delicate roots of young plants have good conditions for  penetrating moist soil. It is important for the proper development of plants to maintain a moderate substrate moisture  the initial period of growth, especially on  permeable soils.

How to care

First  year

During the sowing season, flowers are unlikely to appear, but for good condition in the following years, the meadow requir in this time, to be mowed several times. Mowing should be performed high (approx. 5-10 cm above the ground) and  without chopping, e.g.  a traditional or mechanical scythe, a  with a bar mower for larger areas. Hay after  leave the mowing at  days for the seeds to go to  soil, a  the inhabitants left the cut stalks. After  this time, the hay should be removed so as not to fertilize the soil, which would promote the growth of nitrogen-loving grasses. Perennial flowers can be mowed every few weeks to strengthen perennial plants and  eliminate annuals undesirable plants.

The following years

The meadow begins to bloom intensively from the second year, which should be more abundant with each season, with proper mowing. We mow the perennial meadow twice a season, using the same technique as in the first season. The first mowing should be done after the flowers will wither and the seeds fall off (June / July). The second mowing is to be performed in the fall (then the area will resemble a lawn in winter) or in early spring (in winter, the stalks will be a shelter for insects and a canteen for birds, as well as insulation for young seedlings that started to grow before the end of the season).

Seed mixture species

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70% wild flowers

Ribwort plantain
Plantago lanceolata
Meadow crane’s-bill
Geranium pratense
Brown knapweed
Centaurea jacea
Wild angelica
Angelica sylvestris
Lychnis flos-cuculi
Meadow buttercup
Ranunculus acris
Meridian fennel
Carum carvi
Big trefoil
Lotus pedunculatus
Red clover
Trifolium pratense
Yellow flag
Iris pseudacorus
Valeriana officinalis
Achillea ptarmica
Great burnet
Sanguisorba officinalis
Water avens
Geum rivale
Cambridge Milk Parsley
Selinum carvifolia
Rough Hawksbeard
Crepis biennis
Bistorta officinalis
Eupatorium cannabinum
Filipendula ulmaria
Bird vetch
Vicia cracca

30% grass

Crested dog’s-tail
Cynosurus cristatus
Briza media
Red fescue
Festuca rubra
Meadow fescue
Festuca pratensis
Bulbous oat grass
Arrhenatherum elatius
Sweet vernal grass
Anthoxanthum odoratum
Fowl bluegrass
Poa palustris
Poa angustifolia
Poa angustifolia
Meadow foxtail
Alopecurus pratensis

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