Perennials for dry areas

This is one of our richest seed mixtures for creating a variety of flowering grasslands. The meadow is made up of 44 naturally valuable species of perennial and annual flowers, extremely resistant to drought and harsh conditions, as well as honey-bearing.

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Product information

It is one of the most diverse and valuable native mixtures for creating flowering grasslands. The meadow for dry areas is made of plants with extensive root systems, collecting water from the deeper layers of the soil. Selection of pioneering and xerothermic species resistant to drought and difficult habitat conditions will ensure flowering in less fertile soils. Due to the high proportion of honey plants, it can be used to create an excellent benefit for wild pollinating insects. Thanks to the small proportion of annual wildflowers, the meadow begins to bloom already in the year of sowing.

100 g of seeds is approx. 50 of flower meadow For dry, perennial areas.

Content: 100% flowers
Tall plants
meadow on  many years
sunny places
mediocre / sandy
moderate places and  periodically dry
Sowing date:
spring / autumn
Sowing rate:
2 g / m²

Seeding instruction

Site preparation

For the best effect, the seeds should be sown on the ground that has been cleared of the existing vegetation and its remnants – rhizomes or roots. Before sowing, the area should be flattened so that the seeds will not be washed away during rain or watering. In the case of soils with a very small amount of humus, the substrate can be enriched with organic fertilizer, e.g. compost.

Lawn seeding is a method that offers no guarantee of success. If there are clearances in the turf and the plants have enough space to grow, flowers may appear in places, but the effectiveness of this method is often low.


Meadow For dry, perennial areas, we recommend sowing in spring and autumn, when the risk of drought is low. Autumn sowing will cause early flowering in the following spring, and will also cause more poppies to appear in the meadow. Spring sowing will allow the area to flower quickly, as long as the soil is moist during the first plant growth. Before sowing, the seeds must be mixed – it is important that the mixture is sown evenly over the entire surface. If the area is larger, we divide it into smaller fragments and portion the mixture of seeds proportionally to their number. Adding the mixture of seeds to the carrier, e.g. vermiculite or sand in a proportion of min. 1 l. filler per 100 g of seed mixture, will increase the volume of the seed and facilitate even sowing and control of the sowing area.

We sow seeds on the surface – do not cover them with soil, because many species germinate in the sun and without light will not start vegetation. If the area is larger, we divide it into smaller fragments and portion the mixture of seeds proportionally to their number. A meadow that is too densely sown, where too many plants grow and compete with each other for access to light and water during the intensive growth phase, may lose their aesthetics.

After sowing

After sowing, the area should be rolled or trampled to ensure good contact with the ground for the seeds. Finally, we water the future meadow. If this is not possible, sowing seeds should preferably be planned in the time before the rain. It is important that the delicate roots of young plants have good conditions to penetrate the moist soil. It is important for the proper development of plants to maintain a moderate substrate humidity in the intensive growth period, especially on permeable soils.

How to care

The first year

If the conditions for growth are favorable – temperatures are constantly positive and there is no drought – plants should start to sprout within a few days of sowing. The mixture includes annual species that will bloom within 1-2 months after sowing (in spring sowing) and perennial plants that have only green leaves in the first year, and their flowering begins in the second season. Water shortages and colds delay vegetation and flowering. They also make plants flower shorter, striving for quick seed delivery. If undesirable plants appear in the meadow in the first year, it can be weeded to save annual flowers, or mowed, which will strengthen perennial species. When the meadow is blooming, it must be mowed to make room for perennial species that develop below, which need light to grow. The swath can be left for a few days so that the seeds end up in the soil and the inhabitants of the meadow can leave it, then the hay has to be taken so as not to limit the growth of perennial plants.

The following years

In the following years, the meadow will be dominated by native perennial species, which will gradually take over the entire area. We mow the perennial meadow twice a season. Mowing should be performed high (approx. 5-10 cm above the ground) and without chopping the swath, e.g. with a traditional or mechanical scythe, and with a bar mower for larger areas. After mowing the hay, we leave the hay in the meadow for a few days, so that the seeds end up in the soil and the inhabitants leave the stalks. After this time, the hay should be removed so as not to fertilize the soil, which would promote the growth of nitrogen-loving grasses. The first mowing should be done after the flowers will wither and the seeds fall off (June / July). The second mowing is performed in the fall (then the area will resemble a lawn in winter) or in early spring (in winter, the stalks will be a shelter for insects and a canteen for birds, as well as insulation for young seedlings that will have time to grow before the end of the season.

Seed mixture species

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