Corn marigold

An annual species with a characteristic aquamarine color of shoots and leaves, and visible from afar golden inflorescences. Thanks to the long peduncles of its heads, it looks great as a cut flower. This is one of the first species introduced to urban meadows, previously successfully used in naturalistic compositions. Wild, non-cultivar form.

SKU: N041

6,00 16,00 

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About the species

Polish name: field marigold

Latin name: Chrysanthemum segetum L. syn. Glebionis segetum Fourr

Family: the asters Asteraceae (the composites Compositae), subfamily Asteroidae

Status in Poland: native, not very common, close to the being threatened

about 20-60 cm


An imposing annual plant (therophyte), usually 20-60 cm high, with leaves covering the stem.

Corn marigold is characterized by two types of leaves: the lower ones are pinnatilobate, the upper ones are toothed. All oblong, elliptic or obelliptic.

Inflorescence in the form of heads with a very characteristic, bright yellow color, which perfectly distinguishes it from related species of marigolds and daisies. Each head is made of flowers of two types:
1) ray flowers, quite large
2) disc flowers, bisexual in the center of head, smaller than ray ones.
A single inflorescence usually reaches 2.5-4 cm in diameter. Head scales without pappus, but membrane-margined.

The fruits are achenes with 10 ribs, measuring 2.5-3.5 mm. Fruits made from marginal flowers are wind-spreaded and winged, while the central have no wings.

Additional information


Likes strong light, but also a moist microclimate and soil. It grows best in a light, sandy or clay-sandy soil, with an acidic reaction, free of calcium. Great turf.

In the past, it was not a crop plant. On the contrary, it was fought as a persistent roots weed, less often spring cereals weed, rapidly overwhelming the crop.

To this day, it is sometimes recommended for farmers to stubble, more carefully clean the seeds, spray with herbicide against annual dicotyledonous weeds, and even to liquidate field margins preventively in the case of numerous populations of this marigold.

Interesting facts

A genus of marigold formerly included hundreds of wild species and their cultivated, ornamental, and medicinal descendants. Then it was separated into several less numerous groups like: mums Chrysanthemum,ox-eyes Leucanthemella,leucanthemopsises Leucanthemopsis,tansies Tanacetum,chrysanths Dendranthema, and daisies Leucanthemum.. They all belong to the tribe Anthemidae, and are characterized by heavily parted leaves with a characteristic strong fragrance, and membrane-margined involucre bracts.

Corn marigold in seed mixtures:

Use Value

Excellent, corn marigold provides about 200 kg of honey per  hectare.

It blooms all summer, from June to  the end of August.

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