Summer pheasant’s-eye

An annual plant, flowering field weed. In recent years, the number of locations of summer pheasant’s-eye has been steadily decreasing, and it is probably threatened with extinction. It is a useful species for pollinators, providing pollen mainly to bees and bumblebees.

Wild, non-cultivar seeds.

SKU: N084

13,00 56,00 

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About the species

Polish name: summer Milo

Latin Name: Adonis aestivalis L.

Family: Buttercups, Ranunculaceae Juss.

Status in Poland: native

annual plant
Flower color:
about 40 cm


Summer pheasant’s-eye is a low or medium-high annual plant, clearly more delicate than perennial, steppe pheasant’s-eyes, grown as medicinal or ornamental.

The stem is almost completely bare, only  the base is slightly ciliated, the plant is usually high on 20-45 cm.

The leaves compund of  very narrow leaflets, double or triple pinnate. Like   most of the grain weeds also   the summer pheasant’s-eye lower leaves have petioles, and  the upper ones don’t (they are sessile).

Single flowers, almost always blood-red or brick-red (which distinguishes them very well from the spring pheasant’s eye). They develop in June and July, hence the species name. The stamens of summer pheasant’s-eye similarly to   the field poppies are very numerous and purple. The pistils are numerous, devoid of the nectaries.

The fruit in  form of cylindrical multiachenes. Single achenes of summer pheasant’s-eye are wrinkled, grayish, with two teeth on  the margin and  one tooth on  the base of the rostrum, often with  a transverse convexity. The rostrum of this pheasant’s-eye is usually 1mm in length and  it grows straight or only slightly bent.

Additional information


The summer pheasant’s-eye prefers places that are very bright, full of sun, sheltered from the wind, moderately humid, but wetter as for perennial pheasant’s-eyes. A compactness of the soil is not important to it, it works well on the light, sandy grounds, and heavy, clay or loamy soils. However, it will grow best in the moderately fertile, humus-rich soil, rich in gypsum or calcium. It reproduces itself like other pheasant’s-eyes: by sowing seeds into the ground right after harvesting.

It is recommended to sow it on flower beds, flower walls and rockeries.

Interesting facts

The summer pheasant’s-eye is a typical representative of annual red-flower pheasant’s-eyes accompanying grain crops. It differs significantly in morphology, requirements and durability from the perennial spring pheasant’s eye, the plant of steppes and dry meadows, which is legally protected throughout the world (by the Washington Convention), known as a heart strong medicine.

Cattle do not eat summer pheasant’s-eye. If its seeds contaminate the feed, they poison the animals. Flour ground from grain contaminated with seeds of summer pheasant’s-eye is gray, it is poisonous, and the baked bread is bitter.

Summer pheasant’s-eye in seed mixtures:

Use Value

Due to the lack of nectaries, but with the numerous and efficient stamens, as well as field poppies, provides bees and bumblebees with protein food in the form of pollen .

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