Meadow salsify

Undemanding plant that tolerates drought well. The meadow salsify is a native biennial species, quite common in Poland. It blooms with yellow flowers that look like a packed dandelion when they overblown. Wild, non-cultivar seeds.

SKU: N052

13,00 55,00 

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About the species

Polish name: meadow salsify

Latin Name: Tragopogon pratensis L.

Family: the asters Asteraceae the composites Compositae, subfamily: chicories Cichorioidae

Status in Poland: common, native plant

Flower color:
about 30-80 cm


The meadow salsify is a biennial plant.

Stems of young specimens are clearly tomentosed, even woolly to the touch, in older ones completely bare. They are erect, sometimes only branching.

The leaves of the meadow salsify grow directly from the stems, without petioles. They are characterized by entire-margined arching blades hairy in young specimens, and bare in older specimens.

All flowers have a strong, honey yellow color and ray character. They are clustered in a head with a diameter of 30-65 mm, opening about 8 am to close about noon.

The fruit is a typical Asteraceae achene with a pappusy flight apparatus. The surface of achenes is characterized by a long rostrum, and a spindle shape, measuring 15-22 mm in length. It can be carved very variable, from very thorny or warty to completely glabrous. The pappus grows pinnate, is light brown or dirty whitish.

Additional information


The meadow salsify likes soil rich in nitrogen, although it also grows in degraded grounds. It prefers fresh loamy-sandy, and loamy soils. It is relatively thermophilic.

In nature, it grows in meadows, ditches, field margins, and roadsides, as well as in ruderal places.


Interesting facts

Its Polish and  the Latin name “goat’s-beard” is due to the resemblance of inflorescences after  pollination with blackish tomentosed stipules to  goat’s beard.

The rhizome of this species of salsify used to be used in  folk medicine in  respiratory diseases as an remedy to facilitate expectoration of secretions.

Meadow salsify in seed mixtures:

Use Value

The honey yield of the Meadow Kozibór is undefined. There are no detailed data on the pollen and nectar yield of this plant.

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