A reliable species for dry and sandy areas. Sheep’s-bit is a low plant that can live a year, two or many years. It is pollinated by a wide range of insects – flies, bees, bumblebees, butterflies.
Wild, non-cultivar seeds.
SKU: N089
63,00 zł – 271,00 zł
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Polish name: sandy Jackie, peacocky flower
Latin Name: Jasione montana L.
Family: Campanulaceae bellflowers
Status in Poland: native, common
Sand jasmine is a small, several-year-old, durable plant, grown as an annual or two-year-old, resembling scabies and driakvas, although belonging to a completely different family.
It has a straight root, deeply penetrating soil, up to 100 cm long. It produces a multitude of stiff, upright but branched flower stalks, but lacks runners. The hair on the stems has some importance in the determination of subspecies / varieties. Lowland fairly frequent Jasione species ( J. montana var. montana) are heavily ciliated, while J. seaside ( J. montana var. littoralis) are completely bare, with more lying stems than in typical forms.
It has lanceolate leaves with characteristic curly, folded edges, growing only in the lower parts of the shoots. The purple or navy blue heads of the sheep’s-bit with a diameter of 10-25 mm are in fact whole inflorescences , composed of hundreds of tiny flowers. Each of them resembles the capitula of plants from the Asteraceae family and some of the Drillaceae plants in shape and function. The flowers of whole head bloom from bottom to top, and are protected by a cover with serrated, pointed leaves. Single flowers of a sheep’s-bit they consist of a fivefold calyx and a pale violet, rarely white corolla, also divided into five not very wide patches. The stamens of the sheep’s-bit are fused by the bases of the anthers.
The fruit of the sheep’s-bit is a capsule typical for bellflowers, in the case of this species it is two-chambered, but five-cornered, slightly rounded, protected by the remains of the calyx. The seeds are dark, inconspicuous, elliptical in shape.
The sheep’s-bit is perfect for heat and drought, loves full sun, although it can withstand partial shade. The seeds are sown straight into the ground in the fall. It grows best in fairly sterile, airy, acidic soil. Cultivated forms are carried out as annual plants, at most biennial. The advice on feeding the sheep’s-bit with dolomite in older guides and on the Internet is dangerous because dolomite supplements not only with magnesium, but also with calcium.
The seeds of the sheep’s-bitare are used at universities to study embryonic development in plants.
The Latin name “montanus” for this species (as well as for mountain arnica) refers to low, sandy hills such as dunes, eskers and kames, not to mountain ranges.
The typical and seaside forms of the sheep’s-bit are an example of “captured red-handed” evolution. They can still cross, but they differ clearly with geographic distribution, in appearance, even in the number of chromosomes (2n = 12 for typical, 2n = 14 for seaside).
The sheep’s-bit blooms all summer: from June to September, giving up to 160 kg of honey per hectare. Heads Plants are very attractive to a multitude of insects, from beetles and flies through butterflies to honey bees, bumblebees and solitary bees.