Dwarf everlast

A native perennial plant covered by partial species protection. Dwarf everlast prefer dry, sandy and low-nutrient places. They provide pollen and nectar to bees, and for the Painted Lady butterfly they’re a host plant.

Wild, non-cultivar seeds.

SKU: N091

54,00 233,00 

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About the species

Polish name: sandy cats paws

Family: Asteraceae (Compositae), subfamily: Asteraceae Asteroideae

Status in Poland: native, subject to partial protection despite great commonness due to the possibility of excessive collecting for medicinal and ornamental purposes

perennial plant
Flower color:
about 10-30 cm


A perennial plant with a characteristic, woolly, ashy, or dirty silver tomentose, similar to a cat’s fur to the touch. The dwarf everlast reach a height of 0.1 to 0.3 m, therefore they are considered low-growing plants.

It develops two types of shoots: the underground rhizomes and the erect flower stems.

The lower leaves are distinguished by: having petioles, always blunt tip, wider, egg-shaped shape, and a felt blade in the youth on both sides, but sometimes completely bald in the oldest leaves. They are usually 25 mm long, and 10 mm wide. The upper leaves are characterized by: no petioles, a very varied tip (from blunt to sharp), a narrower shape and much smaller dimensions (up to 3-4 mm wide).

The ” flowers ” of the dwarf everlast are actually whole inflorescences in the form typical for the Asteraceae family, gathered into second-order inflorescences, classified by scientists as umbels or panicles. Most of the heads are dark-sulfur yellow, but there are also pale yellow or even purple specimens. They are protected by a dry, membranous cover. Single flowers of the dwarf everlast are divided into 2 classes. The first are female, with marginal lingual flowers growing in whorls. The other, however, are bisexual, but functionally male, tubular internal flowers, growing in one row.

The fruit of this species is the typical achenes, in this case a five-cantilever, with a flying apparatus in the form of a cup-shaped fluff.

Additional information


Dwarf everlastgrow best in very light, very permeable, gravelly or sandy positions,even in the barren ground. An extremely warm and dry-loving species, preferring sites in grasslands and wastelands with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction, rarely alkaline.

They are multiplied in many simple ways: by dividing old specimens, through cuttings from rhizomes and stems, at last, sowing seeds.

Interesting facts

The dwarf everlast is an ancient, well-researched medicinal herb. Modern, evidence-based medicine confirms its strong diastolic effect and liver regeneration supporting. Particularly rich in secondary metabolites is the inflorescence.

Although lush, woolly felt perfectly protects this plant against drought, heat and  most herbivores, the caterpillars of the osetnik are eaten by caterpillars.  stinging nettles.

Dwarf everlast in seed mixtures:

Use Value

Dwarf everlast are a good forage for pollinators in the fall. They bloom from July until October. This dry-loving species provides pollen and nectar to bees, and is also the host of the Painted Lady butterfly.

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