Maiden pink

The maiden pink is an old and well-liked ornamental flower, the ancestor of many varieties that differ greatly from their wild ancestors in terms of the color and shape of the flowers. An excellent choice for roof gardens, flower brick walls and urban flower meadows. It will cope well in difficult soils in light places.

Wild, non-cultivar seeds.

SKU: N026

13,00 55,00 

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Polish name: dotted carnation, speckled carnation, forked carnation, grandma’s flower

Latin name: Dianthus deltoides

Family: the pink family Caryophyllaceae

Status in Poland: permanently established or native, frequent in the lowlands, slightly less frequent in the mountains

perennial plant
Flower color:
about 20 cm


A loosely turf perennial with creeping stems and pink flowers gathered in a head (cyme). The Latin name refers to the deltoid shape of the single petals of the corolla.

The stems are shortly tomentosed, oppositely foliaged, highly branched, creeping or slightly ascending, often with a characteristic bluish color.

The leaves are also covered with short hairs and have no stipules, besides they’re typical for the pinks: fused by bases, tri-veined, lower ones obtuse, upper ones acute, and almost linear like grasses or sedges.

Maiden pink blooms, like most representatives of this genus, from June to October. The flowers are inconspicuous, odorless, purple-pink in wild forms, five-parted, with 10 stamens and 1 pistil, actinomorphic. They are clustered in a loose panicle (head).

The fruit is an ovate capsule full of small flat seeds that opens with four lobes.

Additional information


The maiden pink is highly valued for its unparalleled resistance to frost, drought and the deficiency of mineral salts in the soil. Like most polish carnations, also maiden pink (dotted carnation) is an excellent choice for city meadows, artificial heaths, near hydrangeas, rhododendrons or conifers (because of the acidic soil), naturalistic gardens, alpine gardens, balcony containers, on the margins of sandy Japanese gardens or as a cut flower.

In gardens it can be very expansive, self-sowing in neighboring flower beds, and at the same time penetrating the soil with rhizomes.

It likes sandy, clayey, dry and well-drained soils, but unlike Carthusian pink, clearly acid and lime-free. It is worth cutting it strongly after blooming so that its turf thickens nicely, rejuvenates, and at the same time does not dominate the rest of the flower bed or rockery.

Interesting facts

The maiden pink is not only pretty and undemanding, it is also a medicinal plant. Its expectorant and anti-phlegm properties were used in the past in tonsillitis, flu, tuberculosis, asthma and pneumonia.

A number of cultivars with different flower colors have been bred, e.g. ‘Arctic Fire’ with a bright red ‘eye’ in the center of a snow-white petal, or pure white ones like ‘Weiss’, ‘Albus’ and ‘Albiflorus’.

Maiden pink in seed mixtures:

Use Value

Tubular odorless flowers of maiden pink from the beginning of summer to late autumn attract numerous insects with long proboscis, mainly butterflies.

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