A medium height native perennial with yellow flowers. Perforate St John’s-wort is one of the best known medicinal plants, and is often used in herbal medicine. It produces a lot of pollen valuable to wild pollinators. Wild, non-cultivar seeds.
SKU: N014
6,00 zł – 24,00 zł
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Polish name: common holey, St. John’s wort , animal killer, field rue, arlika, shot-through, cruciferous herb, Virgin Mary bells
Latin name: Hypericum perforatum L.
Family: St. John’s wort family Hypericaceae
Status in Poland: native, very common
Perennial medium-growing (60-80 cm high) plant with erect red tinted sessile shoots, characteristically translucent leaves, bright yellow flowers gathered in dense corymbs.
Aboveground shoots are hairless, cylindrical in cross-section, woody at the base, herbaceous and slightly branched at the top, opposite foliaged.
Leaves sessile with obtuse apex, entire-margined, slightly sinuate, elliptic-lanceolate, as if perforated with veins lighter than the rest of the blade. Light or contrary “holes” in the leaves are in fact hypericin reservoirs.
The flowers clustered in dense corymbs are strongly yellow, stalked, actinomorphic, composed of calyx and corolla, up to 3 cm wide, attractive to insects. The petals of the corolla, just like the leaves, are entire-margined and “holey” (equipped with hypericin reservoirs).
The fruit of Hypericum perforatum is a multi-seed three-lobed capsule, about 1 cm long. The seeds are cylindrical, black or brown, and speckled with lighter spots.
Perforate St. John’s wort grows best in sunny and warm locations. It will cope well in most soils, it is only important that they cannot be too soaking, waterlogged, or barren. It prefers fertile and well-drained soils with an admixture of sand. Before winter, the above-ground part dies completely. The plant is completely frost-resistant in Central European conditions.
In plantations, seedlings and young specimens are sometimes watered. Older specimens can withstand even severe drought. For better yielding, it can be fertilized in spring and summer..
The harvest of perforate St. John’s wort is carried out at the beginning of flowering, before the herb starts to woody, usually in June, sometimes repeating the harvest in August / September.
Herbal preparations from St. John’s wort have been used in Eurasia since time immemorial. It has an astringent effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa, kills germs, soothes neuroses, rushes urine and bile, facilitates the excretion of kidney stones, accelerates the healing of wounds, frostbite and burns, puts you to sleep, relieves pain, and also inhibits minor bleeding.
Perforate St. John’s wort provides bees only with pollen, but it is sometimes sown in southern Europe in flowerbeds, vegetable gardens, herbal plantations, and even bee pastures.
However, the richness of pollen makes it a plant very attractive to wild pollinators.
It is almost melliferousless, although St. John’s wort honey is said to have herb-like properties (diastolic, analgesic).