A perennial species with yellow flowers, similar to the corn marigold. Yellow chamomile is very easy to grow, it will cope in most of the locations. Formerly it was used as a dyeing plant, hence its alternative name: dyer’s chamomile. Wild, non-cultivar seeds.
SKU: N004
6,00 zł – 16,00 zł
Polish name: dyer’s chamomile, yellow chamomile, yellow cota
Latin name: Anthemis tinctoria syn. Cota tinctoria
Family: the asters Asteraceae (the composites Compositae)
Status in Poland: native, common in the lowlands and Lublin Upland, rare in the mountains
A persistent plant (perennial) with a woody rhizome, high, wrinkled stem, pinnatisect leaves, and golden flowerheads.
Aboveground shoots alternately foliaged, usually branchy, grayish hairy, less often bare.
Elliptical sessile leaves with toothed pinnatifid sections.
A single flowerhead of yellow chamomile is a whole inflorescence, composed of thousands of tiny, bright yellow disc florets, and 20-30 ray florets on the edges, also distinctly golden, rarely creamy white.
Ray florets either sterile or female. Disc florets of the same length as paleas, always bisexual.
The yellow chamomile’s infructescence consists of hundreds of brown, quadrate achenes, measuring up to 2 mm, with membranous pappus.
It grows excellently in light, permeable, gravel or rocky, infertile, and even very sterile soils, although better in humus, and moderately compact soils. However, it requires a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. Loves warmth, and strong light. Yellow chamomile perfectly tolerates frost and drought, but it can suffer from very heavy and wet soils.
A wonderful, undemanding, and very decorative species for rockeries, flower beds, naturalistic plantings and bee pastures. It works as a cut flower, turf, or cover.
Every 2-3 years it is recommended to divide old but healthy clumps into smaller clumps, and sow another batch of seeds. Under favorable conditions, yellow chamomile multiplies on its own.
As the name suggests, it used to be an economically important dyeing species, providing a beautiful and durable golden dye for clothes.
Yellow chamomile was fighted in meadows and pastures because it spoiled the taste of milk.
Valued by beekeepers for its long flowering and low soil requirements.